
Tuesday, April 19, 2016


                                                    How to prepare for your tests:

Image result for polar bear exam
  • Use note cards
  • Write the words down a couple of times
  • Get a good night sleep
  • Eat a good breakfast 
  • Take notes during class
  • Listen carefully to what the teacher says 
And don't worry if you did all those thing above and you will be fine.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

"Endings and Beginnings"

You know when it's then end of the winter season when the baseball season gets underway! On Monday April 4, 2016 the Chicago Cubs played the Los Angeles Angels and dominated with a score of 9-0. All I'm telling you is that when baseball season comes you know that you are close to the end of the school year and summer.Baseball is my FAVORITE sport no doubt about it thank god that it is here. Image result for Chicagos cubs

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Holocaust museum

This week we went to the Holocaust museum and it was great and inspiring. The museum was full of information about not just the Holocaust itself but how Germany got to this point of hatred for the Jews and the Gypsies and  all the other people that Nazi germany hated. I think that everyone should go there at least once in their life because you get the see the influence of one person have a monumentous effect on the rest of the world and how it changed how people looked at other people who were a little bit differnt and I really think people have to understand it and be inspired to not let that moment in history happen again.

Image result for holocaust museum chicago

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Diary Entry

March 13, 2016

Dear Diary,

This week in school we had to watch this movie about these teenager's diaries that were lost in the Holocaust but found later when the war ended and what was in it, and some of the things that they wrote about were terrible like they described the people in the ghettos paper thin kids lying on the street dead because of starvation and I just think how lucky I am and how much we take for granted in this world.
         Also in this movie one of the teenagers wrote that they had to be separated from their families and that they never saw them again and some of the other teenager's entries ended in a middle of a sentence and I just think about how it must have been like fearing for your life and not knowing what the next day will bring or if you are going to see your family again. I just am extremely grateful for what I have.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


We must live, and when this is all over, we must work to make the world a better place.  And if we die, we will die knowing that it was not our fault, that we did our best, and we can go to our deaths in dignity… I want you both to live…And to remember...You must choose love.  Always choose love.”  Erika Daniel's Story

My mom used to take care of a very sweet lady her name was Jeanine and I went with my mom when I was little to her house and she used to tell me stories about her life and what obstacles she had to over come. I didn't remember much of the stories that stuck with me because I asked her why are there numbers on her arm and she said it was from a camp. Jeanine was in Poland when Germany invaded she and her two brothers were with her mom and dad when German officials were at her door she told me that her family was taken outside and that is when she saw her mom and dad go away(killed). Her brothers and her were taken away to a scary place that is when her brothers and her were split up and her older brother told her to be strong and that they will see each other again but they never did.But she told me that instead of being angry at the world and hating her life she looked for the bright side and she found it. Jeanine in her time in the concentration camp met a man and they got married and came to America and I think that her story really relates to the quote from Daniel's Story because it shows how she found love and chose to be happy and made a better life for herself.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Leap Year

A famous saying is he/she "grew leaps and bounds," and that is what I did. Not in the way you would expect like shoe size or height it was in the way I look at myself.Four  years ago I always thought you have to please the people around you and dress a certain way but the truth of the matter is it doesn't matter how people see you it is how you see your self. That is how I "grew leaps and bounds," this 4 years.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

This picture captures the moment of my aunt and uncle getting married in Nashville,TN. This photo is a important moment in my life because my uncle is one of the best people I know and is so strong and brave and for him to find my amazing and beautiful aunt is one in a million!Their wedding was such a defining moment in their life how can I not share it. It was on a beautiful November day the leaves were vivid and elegant and when my aunt walked down the isle with my dad (her brother) because my grandpa could not make it because he was too sick it was a great and loving time in my life and this picture represents their love and their happiness and mine because if they never met and ended up together I wouldn't have this incredible couple in my life. I'm so grateful for their happiness and support. Love them so much!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

It's a BOY!!

This week in science class I made my son his name is Elmo and I love him so much but I'm worried that he is facing troubles at school he is very different than any of the kids he has a pig nose, two fingers, horns, tail and his name is  Elmo (by the way not my idea his "father's") . I know that he knows that I love him but he gets picked on a lot at school and is always teased about how he looks and  about his name. I'm not sure what I should do because if  I intervene them he will get mad but if I don't he will be miserable, I just feel so bad. If any one has any suggestions on what to do I'll be open to it!!

The Ideal Breakfast